Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs)
The Regulator for Social Housing has produced a new set of Consumer Standards – the
Tenants’ Charter, which sit alongside the existing Financial and Governance Standards.
Social landlords are required to comply with these new standards and they cover
• A Safety and Quality Standard
• A Transparency and Accountability Standard
• A Neighbourhood and Community Standard
• A Tenancy Standard
A key element of this is tenant inclusion, tenant consultation. A major plank of this
initiative is a prescribed set of survey questions called Tenant Satisfaction Measures
(TSMs). Residents must be asked the satisfaction measures exactly as worded, and
Landlords must comply with the statistical measures on performance. Landlords must
submit the evidence of the TSMs each year. To facilitate this SHiP has
i. Included the set questions as a new section within the SHiP quarterly returns
ii. Updates for members on progress within other orgs
iii. Sharing of resources including Humankinds template to facilitate tenant
consultation using a Microsoft Forms product they designed and can be used on
the tenant’s device (or used as a paper version if necessary).
Humankind Charity has kindly allowed SHiP members to also use this survey. You can
simply change the company name and logo to your own. And, if needed, you can code
each scheme’s returns so you can drill down to scheme level for tenant feedback-
especially useful for property issues and overall service satisfaction – the link is here:
This link works more reliably if you copy and paste into the bar rather than clicking.
And here is a YouTube explanation of how the Forms product works if you need it.