Membership Benefits

  • Access to the SHiP monitoring toolkit, used for monitoring the housing management performance of managing agents

  • Use of the model Housing Management Contracts

  • Training - SHiP is responsive to the requests of members for training that meets their needs. SHiP members receive one free place per course, recent training includes:

    • Supported Housing and The Law

    • H&S compliance - THE BIG 7

    • Rent and Service Charge setting

    • Introduction to Agency Management relationship

    • Managing ASB in Supported Housing ( Housing Management)

  • Conference - Each year we deliver a very successful conference, with each member receiving one free place, as part of their membership. Additional places are available at very reasonable costs.

  • Special Events - We have hosted seminars on relevant topics, Eg Tenancy Reform act; Housing Law changes during Covid. In 2024, we are holding events in Leeds and London that bring together RsL’s and commissioners.

  • Excellent speakers - both at the annual conference and at general meetings, and we also regularly receive updates from Homeless Link, National Housing Federation and the DLUHC

  • Benchmarking - SHiP members work together to contribute to benchmarking clubs and to analyse the results

  • Sharing information and good practice - many members find this one of the most useful outcomes of SHiP membership. Member organisations effectively have access to a focus group of 55+ peers and the coveted SHiP email distribution list is put to good use to address queries and solve problems. Several organisations have even successfully recruited by this method!

  • Publications - SHiP members frequently share policies, procedures and other documents. SHiP is also producing an increasing number of Good Practice Guides for members. Our publications include:

    • Good practice guide on the use of office space by agencies

    • Consulting with agency managed residents

    • Involving housing associations in commissioning and procuring accommodation based support services

    • Smoking in bedrooms in shared accommodation

The opportunity to contribute to emerging policy. 

We work closely with other membership groups – e.g. National Housing Federation (NHF), National Care Forum (NCF), and have goof links with other specialist bodies such as Homeless Link, Local Government Association (LGA) and Ofsted

SHiP has successfully influenced recent policy initiatives.  For example, we were consulted extensively on the Renters Reform Bill (now Renters’ Rights) and successfully influenced the final version

We submitted a response to the Social Rent Policy Consultation (December 2024) highlighting key issues for supported housing

We submitted a response to the heat networks consultation, urging that the unique nature of supported housing be taken into account to ensure administrative burdens are not overwhelming for small providers, or providers of multiple small buildings and urging Ofgem to talk with SHiP and the NHF

We were successful in influencing government thinking during the Covid pandemic, getting recognition that supported housing staff should be classified as part of the Health & Social Care workforce; this meant, amongst other things, that our staff had access to vaccinations at an earlier stage.

SHiP’s Consultative Group is the ‘engine’ that drives SHiP's ability to make these policy contributions.  Made up of a senior member from each SHiP member organisation, the Consultative Group forms a consensus view, based on their expertise and feedback from their own organisations.  Each SHiP member has one place on this high-level group.

Membership eligibility

Membership was traditionally to registered providers of social housing that provide supported housing. This year, SHiP has amended it’s membership criteria who allow 25% of members to be non-Registered Providers who provide, not for profit supported housing.

SHiP Meetings

  • The Agency Management Group - There is currently a very active and highly regarded sub-group covering matters around working with managing agents

  • SHiP General- this group covers matters relating to the provision and management of supported housing and the general care and support field. We frequently invite guest speakers to give presentations on relevant subjects.

  • SHiP North - Our newest group combines the work of General and Agency Management groups in to one meeting, helping to minimise travel, but also bringing a ‘North dimension’ to it’s activities.

  • SHiP is overseen by it’s Management Committee which meets quarterly and is made up of volunteers from the member organisations.

Membership Entitlements

Annual membership fee includes:

  • One free residential package at the annual conference

  • An invitation to all SHiP General, Agency Management, SHiP North meetings

  • An invitation to participate in any of the sub-groups and working groups

  • Access to the bespoke agency monitoring tool kit to ensure managing agents meet your housing management standards. This Toolkit can also be used in house as a quality management tool

  • Access to the model Housing Management Contracts

  • access to SHiP's publications, good practice guides, policies and procedures shared by member organisations and any other documents on the website 

Please contact us for up to date fees.

How to find out more 

If you would like to discuss joining SHiP, or to find out more about us, please get in touch.

For a list of current SHiP members, please scroll down.

Current SHiP Members

Privacy Statement

If you become a member of SHiP we need to let you know that we require your work email and work phone number to provide you with member benefits e.g. invitations to meetings, news plus access to members webpages. This is regarded as personal information and as such we will ensure that this information and any other information is stored and processed in line with the General Data Protection Regulations, see our Data Protection and Privacy Statement 

If you want to find out what data we collect and how we process it please get in touch.